Our Partnership with Skillnet Ireland

What is Skillnet?

Skillnet Ireland is an agency established by the Irish government to “increase participation in enterprise training by businesses”. However, instead of being a large, government body, the Skillnet is made up of over seventy individual organizations, each targeting a particular industry sector, or geographical region. These use networking and a partnership approach to fund training for small to medium-sized enterprises that was previously only affordable by the larger organizations.

Skillnet Ireland

Velopi's Relationship with Skillnet

For Velopi, specializing in project management training, the Skillnets’ national training fund provides opportunities to run courses that would otherwise not make any sense commercially Similarly, it allows smaller organizations to provide continuous professional development and upskilling opportunities to their personnel that would not be possible without Skillnet support. Taking part in a Skillnet-funded programme also gives them the opportunity to network with other enterprises in the same industry.

These training and networking supports are also extremely beneficial for unemployed people, who can use their time productively, gaining basic knowledge of project management and even obtaining a professional (e.g. a PMP®) credential to enhance their future prospects.

Project management, being a transferable skill, is relevant across an entire range of industrial sectors. Velopi has, over the years, provided project management training specifically tailored for the needs of these sectors through the Skillnet business network.

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Our Skillnet Partners

Velopi is working with over twenty Skillnets to provide continuous professional development and upskilling to small and mostly indigenous organizations in Ireland. Our Skillnet partners can be classified into those with a national perspective – usually ones focused on a particular industry – and those with a regional focus – intent on providing a wide range of professional training to their partners in a specific region.

Our Skillnet Partners Who Operate at a National Level:

Skillnet Aviation

This Skillnet provides training and collaboration opportunities to companies of all sizes in Ireland’s aviation and aerospace sector.

Bio Pharma Chem Skillnet

This Skillnet is a business network for companies of all sizes in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, medical device and chemical supply sectors.

Connected Health Skillnet

This Skillnet is a business network established to address the current and future skills needs arising from the convergence of the medical technology, pharmaceutical, ICT and software sectors in the field of connected health.

Engineering Skillnet

This Skillnet is a business network for companies of all sizes in the engineering sector, including: automotive; aviation; energy and environment; construction and agriculture, as well as core elements of the sub-supply sectors.

Green Tech Skillnet

This Skillnet is a business network for companies of all sizes in the renewable energy and green technology sectors.

ICBE Advanced Productivity Skillnet

The goal of this Skillnet is to improve the business performance and competitive advantage of enterprises through specialized training relating to innovation, process improvement, Lean and Six Sigma strategic deployment.

ICBE Business Excellence Skillnet

The goal of this Skillnet is to provide efficient and effective enterprise-led training and networking opportunities for companies to develop their workforce skills and talent so they are prepared for both current and future political, technological and competitive risks.

ICOS Skillnet

This Skillnet’s goal is to support the growth, competitiveness and sustainability of Ireland’s co-operative and agri-business sectors by enhancing specialized skills and knowledge within these sectors.

IFS Skillnet

This Skillnet seeks to strengthen Ireland’s position as a leading international financial services (IFS) centre by enhancing Ireland’s skills base in this sector.

Irish Medtech Skillnet

The goal of this Skillnet is to enhance Ireland’s position as an emerging global medical technology hub by developing a strong talent base and enhancing the specialized knowledge and skills that exist within the sector.

Skillnets with a Regional Focus:

  1.    Cork Chamber Skillnet
  2.    County Tipperary Skillnet
  3.    Fingal Chamber Skillnet
  4.    Galway Executive Skillnet
  5.    IT@Cork Skillnet
  6.    Limerick Chamber Skillnet
  7.    Next Level Skillnet
  8.    Shannon Chamber Skillnet
  9.    South West Gno Skillnet
  10.    Waterford Chamber Skillnet

How to Avail of Skillnet Funding

The Skillnet business network provides funding to subsidize training investment by Irish-based companies. If your organization is interested in upskilling its staff, then joining a relevant Skillnet is advised. You can choose one based on your location, or your industry sector. You can be a member of several Skillnet organizations at once.

These organizations advertise upcoming courses and you will be invited to attend, or send key members of your staff on these courses. The training provider will be included in the course description, so look out for Velopi when you are considering project management training.

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